Getting to Know PWM Episode 2 feat Rob Bagwell
Published: 10/07/2019
Episode 2 of the Getting to Know series sees our ring announcer and backstage interviewer Hamez, sit down with our resident rockstar, ‘Rockstar’ Rob Bagwell.
Hamez finds Bagwell playing the keyboards in his studio and asks him to go through some questions Hamez had prepared. First thing we notice is that Hamez has lost his shades today and seems like in a good mood cause he has such a huge smile on his face! Maybe Bagwell’s music helped Hamez to get in the zone.
The first question is about the Rockstar persona and where it originated from. Rob said that its an extension of himself both inside and outside of the ring. Next was a tricky question by Hamez, when he asks Bagwell what is his favorite song to sing. Bagwell admitted that even though there are a number of songs he enjoys to sing, nothing comes close to It’s my Life by Bon Jovi.
Hamez asks Rob who were his influences for both his Rockstar career and Wrestling career. As mentioned before Bon Jovi was a huge part of Bagwell’s life growing up and an all time favorite artist. As regards wrestling, British Bulldog, Bret Hart and Roddy Piper were his favorites growing up but Buff Bagwell was his motivation to get in the ring and start his path in professional wrestling.
Rob next explains how he manages to juggle both his Rockstar and professional wrestling career. How he has time for nothing else but practice, dieting and travelling the world playing music and beating people up.
The interview finishes with Bagwell going back to the studio, sitting down at his keyboards and play a song for the PWM fans watching at home.
Rob Bagwell will be at Green-Mist this coming Saturday 13th July! Tickets can be purchased from here
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