Will The King of Beasts Finally Defend Their Tag Team Titles?

Published: 03/09/2018


The Kings of Beasts, better known as Red Scorpion and Leon, captured the pro wrestling Malta tag team titles at the Lords of the Ring event last November, in a tournament final match against the arrows of Hungary. But they are yet to defend their tag team titles as a team.

The first show of this year, ‘A Fighter’s Spirit’, saw the Kings of Beasts send the Roman Dynasty to face off again La Famiglia members ‘The Don’ Francesco Messina and his partner Connor Matthews – in a match to determine if La Famiglia could secure a title shot.

At the last event ‘United We Stand, Divided We Fall’, we saw La Famiglia in a match against Red scorpion and a replacement for absent Leon, who turned out to be Renegade from Hungary.

Will The Kings of Beasts finally defend their tag team titles at the next show? All of Pro Wrestling Malta talent and fans want to see them defend… Who knows what will happen at This is Hell’oween, on November 3rd

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